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FAQ >> Cleaning vs. Reskinning

Can you clean the diaphragms of sound transducers?

Cleaning vs. Reskinning

We rarely clean the diaphragms of sound transducers. Cleaning could reduce noise but success will be often only of short time. Reducing noise by cleaning concerns only sound transducers with a partially metalized diaphragm. Only the part of diaphragm that is not metalized (= isolation) is responsible for increasing noise caused by higher humidity (especially when the mic is used for close speech). Dust and dirt on diaphragms can be reduced by the cleaning with destilated water but it won't be as clean as a new diaphragm.

The non-metalized part of the diaphragm has got larger pores because they are covered while the diaphragm is evaporated and not sealed. We seldom regard cleaning in consideration of the anticipated success as a worthwhile option in relation to a new diaphragms because we are able to do reskinnings.

Advantages of cleaning:

  • reducing weight (dust and dirt)
  • aesthetic look
  • keeping the (original) diaphragm

Disadvantages of cleaning:

  • complex, time-consuming and risky (diaphragm could be damaged)
  • liquid could get under the diaphragm through tiny holes or the capillary
  • metalized film (gold) could come off
  • diaphragm could be stretched and stick on the backplate due to static charge
  • success is possibly only of short time

If there occurs only of these disadvantages the effort of cleaning was useless and a reskinning would be necessary